Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day of Fun

We recently headed to the Olympic Peninsula while the sun was still out.  My oldest decided to style her own hair - she used all of her favorite barrettes.  Little P would have run straight into the ocean if her dad hadn't snagged her.  She's usually very timid, so we were surprised by that.  Here are a few of my favorite shots of the day.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

1 Year Birthday

P turned 1 in December.  She's quite a content 1-year-old and just started walking about 3 weeks ago.  She'd rather her mom carry her everywhere!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Welcome Baby M!

Meet Little Miss M.  She is completing an amazing family and her big brother and sister are thrilled that she is finally here.  Congrats B family!