Sunday, June 21, 2009


So, my Photo-A-Day didn't work out.  I'm on partial bed rest, so I need to be careful about what I'm doing and it's hard chasing the kiddos as it is.  Miss K had a blast with her bubble wand a few weeks ago.  Unfortunately for today it's raining cats and dogs, so we will not be spinning the bubbles out today.

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


About 9 months ago these pesky things showed up under K's eye.  Now that the sun is out they are beginning to spread across her nose and to her other eye.  She can thank her momma for that.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Since I am taking an undetermined amount of time off right now, I thought I'd share a photo a day.  Can I do it?  I'm not sure I can, but I'd like to try!  So if you'd like to see new photos of my kiddos this summer, this is where they will reside.  Wish me luck!  Since I didn't start on June 1st, here's 2 images to start.

P is 18-months today, still holding onto her baby-ness (is that a word?).  I'm going to let her hang on as long as she can.  She's chatting up a storm - baby, daddy, bye and cheese are some of her favorites.  Loves to shake her little diaper booty.  She's the sweet to K's sassy.